The Do's and Don'ts of Storing Cleaning Products

Storage space is a problem for many of us, both at home and at work.

When it comes to the safe storage of cleaning products and equipment, we've heard some horror stories the years and how they can have a profound effect on the quality levels of cleaning.

As a result, we can provide you with a comprehensive list of do's and don'ts on storing your cleaning products.

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The Do's

Almost all of our products come with Safety Data Sheets and Product Usage Guides which include specific storage instructions, but, for general do's and do nots here as some rules to stick by:

DO use Health and Safety warning signs where appropriate

DO think about safe handling. Heavier products should be stored at waist height or on lower shelves.

DO ensure access equipment, such as step stools, are available to help reach higher stored items.

DO check that the racking and shelves are in good order and anchored to a wall.

DO keep your colour coding products and equipment stored separately from one another - you don't want any cross contamination.

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The Don'ts

DON'T store more than you need. Overstocked cupboards and areas can result in more spillages as well as mismanagement of products.

DON'T ignore damaged or thoroughly used products. Keep a check on the state of the cleaning equipment and replace when required.

DON'T store chemicals haphazardly. Keep apart solid and liquid products, flammable and non-flammable liquids; acids and alkalis etc. Store all flammable substances in a flameproof metal cupboard.

DON'T let your storage space get too hot - this can alter the products' chemistry and reduce their efficicacy.

Further Reading

Colour-Coded Cleaning: A Smart Solution for Homes and Businesses

Colour-Coded Cleaning: A Smart Solution for Homes and Businesses

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The Special Guests of Wray Bros Expo 2024

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